The New Normal

A short story about how we might tackle health issues in the future...

The Ink Rat
3 min readApr 25, 2020
A Road to the New Normal (Image Source: The Ink Rat)

Some still had their ties on, their flabby florid faces jiggling with each laboured step, blood-shot eyes squinting at the setting sun. All but two wore suits, bulging bellies bursting over spindly legs covered by expensive, tailored fabric that gathered warm, red pigment as they trudged.

The driver walked ahead, the bus abandoned, its windows winking goodbye in the evening light. He’d advised his passengers to “bring the essentials, but it’s quite a walk” and given them each a bottle of water.

All the executives brought their laptops. Some carried a daypack, others agitating their back ailments with an over-the-shoulder bag.

As they walked, a few grumbled. Others held their phones up, turning on the spot while ribbons of sweat rolled down their hypertensive foreheads, the 6G signal strangely elusive. Two men popped undisclosed medication, one patting at his chest, his heart fluttering for the wrong reasons.

Nipples chafed and thighs rubbed raw, they limped through the entrance to The Xanctuary after dark. On cool cushions at Reception, they peeled off sodden socks, dismayed at ruined business shoes. The pungent smell of executive feet overpowered the evening jasmine while they gulped from tall…



The Ink Rat

I'm a creative copywriter and editor passionately supporting professional service businesses to productively create, engage, and persuade.