No one wants to be an SEO expert, do they? But here’s why it’s important

Yes, SEO was all a mystery… until I couldn’t afford to ignore it

The Ink Rat
3 min readFeb 18, 2024
A rare image of an unusually cheery Ink Rat along with her latest made-up word (made with Canva)

In my early days of content writing, I tried to ignore search engine optimisation. It sounded like something a mechanic did, not a writer. It seemed too hard, too technical. And it came with terminology that twisted familiar words into uncommon terms…


A couple of decades ago, ‘traffic’ was about enduring stop-start commutes in lurching packed buses where icy air-conditioning battled stale coffee breath and whiffy armpits.

Today, it evokes thoughts of visitor numbers to a website instead. Not so pongy…


‘Keywords’ made me think of “Open Sesame!” or “Abracadabra!” or “Shazam!” (no, not the app)…

Funnily enough, today keywords still retain magic powers for attracting interested visitors to a website.

Site audit?

The phrase ‘site audit’ reminded me of my Big 4 Accounting Firm days when I attended year-end stock takes at random industrial estates to count (thankfully brand-new) toilets or car parts.



The Ink Rat

I'm a creative copywriter and editor passionately supporting professional service businesses to productively create, engage, and persuade.