3 Easy Steps to Overcoming Your Discomfort about Getting Visible Online

And an example of the rewards available if you do

The Ink Rat
4 min readFeb 11, 2024
Photo by Gary Bendig on Unsplash

About 18 months ago, my copywriting idol and mentor, Belinda Weaver, set one of those “Do the Work” challenges.

I’d been an introverted member of her online group for a couple of years by now. And while her membership was called Confident Copywriting, the only thing I’d truly mastered so far was how to lurk silently during her online coaching calls.

This time, however, I grasped the nettle and used her latest challenge as a chance to improve my online visibility 😬.

Speech may be silver, but is silence always golden?

Excruciatingly shy growing up (I once didn’t speak for the entire first term at a new school 🤐), even today I still prefer to hide — except now I do so behind my business name, The Ink Rat.

But I was determined that all this was about to change!


Because I’d learned enough about LinkedIn to see its potential as a source of high-quality work for my copywriting business. I needed to become more visible on that platform — and elsewhere.

From zero to… well, what is consistent…



The Ink Rat

I'm a creative copywriter and editor passionately supporting professional service businesses to productively create, engage, and persuade. www.theinkrat.com